26 Jun

Virtually every career coach, outplacement adviser, or college career service officer will agree: the best way to get a job is to network your way into it. But that can be a tall order if you’ve been out of work for some time, or if you think of yourself as a shy or introverted person. And it is doubly hard if you think of networking as just telling everyone in real or virtual earshot, “Help me! What should I do?”

Networking is fundamentally about building relationships, whether online though social sites like LinkedIn, or in-person at all kinds of meetings and informational interviews. Chances are, if you step back and think about it, you already have a good network to begin with: family members, current and former co-workers, members of professional organizations, alumni groups, church or synagogue, and so forth. And then the question becomes: how do you go about the task of getting your network to work for you effectively?

In my article, “6 Ways to Mobilize Your Network” published by U.S. News & World Report, I explain how you can make it easy for people to help you. If you think carefully about how your audience will understand your message, ask for reasonable things, provide specific guidance for people about how they can best help you, and treat the members of your network with respect, you will be well on your way toward success. Read more about how to put these tips into action, and more in my article. Here’s the link:

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